If you’ve been by Mushy’s place today, you’ve seen this. But it’s just too danged good NOT to post here at EIP.
Perfect. Just frickin’ perfect, innit?
I used to dread the onslaught of Christmas catalogs, back when they still were Christmas catalogs. I dunno exactly when the Official American Vernacular changed, but it was sometime in the last six or seven years, methinks. But Hey! Opportunities abound for great good fun with this phenomenon. I simply revel in the opportunity to respond to some clerk, manager, or other hapless employee (who’s been instructed to use the now-ubiquitous “Happy Holidays!” by his employer) with “Merry Christmas!” And yannowhut? The response, nine times out of ten, is a big smile and a “Thank You!”
Most of us Get It, regardless of what the PC-Police think.
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