Rabu, 16 April 2008

My "Alarm Clock" This Morning...

I fell asleep this early this morning (which: more accurate than “last night”) watching C-SPAN2, as is my wont. And the wonderful folks at C-SPAN woke me up about 45 minutes ago with this:
By way of explanation: whenever the House or Senate votes, or waits for a quorum, or is involved in other such non-activity, C-SPAN broadcasts video of the floor with a piece of classical music as the “soundtrack.” Such was the case this morning.
Now, this isn’t the version C-SPAN played. Pachelbel’s Canon might just be the most-recorded piece of classical music, ever (I think I have at least three versions in my music collection). This interpretation was posted to YouTube yesterday, so you are among the first to listen to this particular version on these here inter-tubes, Gentle Reader. Quite nice. And such a wonderful way to begin my… or anyone’s… day.
And now it’s off to answer comments and make the rounds.
Back in a bit…

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