Rabu, 05 November 2008

A Class Act

John McCain's concession speech, just in case ya missed it (10:00 min):

My initial reaction to this speech last evening was there has to be just a little bit of buyer’s remorse amongst some Obama voters. Not the hardcore Obamanons, mind you... I'm thinking more of the cross-over vote and/or newly registered “Independents.” Senator McCain is a class act… a man of courage, integrity, and values. He would have made a great president.

I also watched Obama’s acceptance speech last night and it wasn’t all that bad. There wasn’t any substance in the speech (as usual), but he did say a few of the “right” things. Once again, in case ya missed it, here’s Obama’s acceptance speech (17:00 min):

I was up until 0400 this morning watching all the brouhaha. I’m tired, disappointed, and emotionally hung-over today (no alcohol hangover, thankyouverymuch). But I need to say one thing: I was SO very proud to be an American last night. Our democratic political system played out as it has so many, many times in the past. There will be yet another peaceful transition of power, with no blood in the streets, no riots, no threat of a coup d’état. There will be a recount or two where the results were close, but that’s about it. My bottom line: I may not like the results but I LOVE the process.

Well Done, America.

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