Selasa, 08 Januari 2008


Via Barry at his oh-so-excellent Enrevanche blog… a political quiz that’s better than most, although Barry’s commenters would seem to disagree with my observation about accuracy and veracity. (Click the images for the larger, readable, versions, of course.)

So why did I title this post “Uh-Oh?” Simply coz I don’t want to change my allegiance away from My Boy at this time. It’s somewhat gratifying to note that Rudy and I are on the same page 71% of the time. I need to explore just a little bit to find out where we part ways, but I suspect it’s (a) on drugs (I’m on the record as being in favor of the “Dutch Model”) or (b) immigration.

(And what would an EIP political post be without the usual, customary, and reasonable Ron Paul parenthetical comment? Rep. Ron and I agree nearly completely on the subject of drugs. Paul's drug policies make him a wacko to most Americans, and that's a Funny Thing… to me. It's his isolationist foreign policy ideas that mark him as a wacko in my book, not the drug-thing. There are lotsa clichés that come to mind in this situation, no?

And no...I am not trying to set the world's record for "longest parenthetical comment." I think James owns that.)

I’d be interested in hearing/seeing your results, Gentle Reader.

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