Kamis, 15 Mei 2008

Yet Another "Spare Me" Moment

Seeing what she wants to see, rather than what’s really there:

There are many reasons Clinton is losing the nomination contest, some having to do with her strategic mistakes, others with the groundswell for "change." But for all Clinton's political blemishes, the darker stain that has been exposed is the hatred of women that is accepted as a part of our culture.

That’s the last paragraph in an op-ed by Marie Cocco in today’s WaPo. There are 13 preceding paragraphs containing many examples of what the author claims is misogyny in our culture…all having to do with Her Hillaryness, of course. Okaaay…

Here’s a newsflash for ya, Ms. Cocco: A large segment of America hates actively dislikes Hillary Clinton. Those same people still love their mothers, their wives, their sisters, and women in general… and YrHmblScrb is part of that group. Just because we dislike a political candidate who happens to be female in no way means we’re all closet misogynists… this being especially true where female Hillary-bashers are concerned. And there are more than a few of those, in case you haven’t noticed.

I’ll submit there are boors and people with bad taste liberally sprinkled throughout these United States, and bad taste knows no geographical or demographical boundaries. Still and even, a handful of bad jokes, stupid tee shirts, and nutcrackers in the form of Her Hillaryness are not evidence of endemic misogyny in our culture, let alone a general acceptance of same. They are simply political statements that happen to cross your personal threshold of what’s acceptable and what’s not. Your op-ed is SO far off the mark it’s not funny. I suggest you take a deep, deep breath and relax.

Today’s rhetorical question: Why do the media give nut-jobs like this woman the time of day, anyway?

(Image from CoxandForkum.com)

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