Kamis, 27 Maret 2008


This is “Fitna,” a film about radical Islamism and its political goals and methods that’s burning up the ‘net as we speak. I’m gonna do a “me too” by posting this… because I believe what Dutch politician-cum-film-maker Geert Wilders is saying in this film. The film is about 15 minutes long and comes with a “disturbing images” disclaimer. The disclaimer isn’t wrong, either. Some of the images are disturbing, but there is no gratuitous violence (such as beheadings) in the film. Mr. Wilders comes very, very close, however.

“Fitna” is a short but powerful film. Watch it, if you haven’t already.

My disclaimer: my visceral, knee-jerk reaction to the film was strong agreement with the message. That said, I waffle in between two positions: (a) thinking Islam… in the macro, global sense… is the root of the problem, and (b) radicals are co-opting Islam to achieve their ends. While (b) is most certainly true, I’m not sure…yet…about (a).

Update 3/28/2008 1640 hrs: As noted in comments, LiveLeak has pulled "Fitna" from its servers due to death threats against their staff. Their video explanation is available above, in place of the movie. "Fitna" is available on YouTube in two parts... for the moment, anyway.

So. Here it is, yet again.

Part I

Part II

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