Senin, 03 Maret 2008

They Call the Wind Mariah... and Other Unmentionable Names, Too.

Today is A Soldier’s Wife’s birthday. She’s been having a tough go of it of late, so why don’t you drop by and wish her A Happy, Gentle Reader… and give her a hug, while you’re at it. I know she’ll appreciate it.


Today’s Pics: Wow! We had ourselves a wild, wild night last evening!! Big-time wind… of a sort that’s rare… even for The High Plains of New Mexico. I swear to The Deity that the wind was over 70 mph last evening…but it wasn’t, if one believes The WX Channel…which said we were experiencing steady wind of 37 mph, with gusts up to 50 mph… but no more than that. I think they lie, myself. We were most certainly rockin’ and rollin’ last night…and it was cold and snowy, too. In short: it wasn’t fit for man or beast outside last evening.

Last night’s storm left a little detritus lying around today. Once again, I was lucky. This tree would have made life just a little bit inconvenient had it smacked the Green Hornet or El Casa Móvil De Pennington when it fell last night. This is twice in the space of six or seven months that I’ve dodged a bullet dead tree, but I think we’re done now. If the wind gets high enough to take down the large tree that overhangs El Casa Móvil, chances are I won’t know about it…coz I’ll already be in the next county. Or Texas… depending.

Back in a bit. Yet another late night and later morning. This is getting to be a habit... and not one I’m comfortable with, Gentle Reader.

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