Kamis, 18 September 2008

Just Frickin' SICK

Liberal discourse:

Now, I want to be clear and speak directly to those of you who LOVED that Palin interview. You're an idiot. I mean that. This is not one of those cases where we're going to agree to disagree. This isn't one of those situations where we debate it passionately and then walk away thinking that the other guy is wrong but argued well. I'm not going to think of you as a thoughtful but misguided person with different ideas who still really cares about the country and the world. No, sorry, not this time. This time, if you watched those interview excerpts and weren't scared out of your freakin' mind, then you're mentally ill, mentally disabled, or mentally disturbed. What you are NOT is responsible, informed, curious, thoughtful, mature, educated, empathetic, or remotely serious. I mean it.

Comment upon said Liberal discourse:


Okay, so it was a bit raw for Michael to say! But, the fact of the matter stands.... I am scared out of my mind also!!!!!!!!! She is not only not ready to lead a nation, but if I hear one more time about "Todd" I'm gonna screammmmmmmmmmmmmm:) GO OBAMA
 Posted 01:59 PM on 09/18/2008

Posted 01:47 PM on 09/18/2008

Michael! I love you! (Though MY wife would NOT be cool with that!)
God, I've been waiting to hear someone speak those words to me. I have made the same decision about a week or two ago. (Yes, I was still trying to have the "reasoned debate" with these cretins.) But it finally hit me just as you said. It is NOT a matter of reasoned debate. It is not a matter of just disagreement. These people are idiots and reasoned debate only elevates them to as level far above where they deserve to be. 
Its like arguing whether the moon is made of green cheese. Or with a creationist.
Why is everyone else so afraid to say the obvious. I was getting so discouraged by the American populace that I was about to put a bumper sticker on my car that says;
< < < < < < < * > > > > > > >
J O H N M c C A I N
Posted 12:20 PM on 09/18/2008

There are 27…count ‘em… 27 frickin’ pages of comments to this despicable article at The Huffington Post.  I could only stomach the first page; I didn’t dive any deeper.  I feel like I need a shower, as it is.

I really DO try and understand these folks… but I’m rapidly coming to the point where I wish… fervently… that some of their darkest fantasies would come true.  You know… things like the gulag, the black helicopters, and all that other paranoid bullshit.  Because these people are seriously frickin’ disturbed.  Deranged.  And completely devoid of respect for others and, by inference, themselves.  But then again, perhaps the only thing they need is to be taught some manners… with a pop right in the mouth, repeated as necessary.  On the other hand, you’d probably have to beat them to death, by the look of it.

What the HELL is going on in this country?

(h/t: Rachel Lucas)

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