Rabu, 03 September 2008

Last Call

I’m gonna go to bed now. But just a couple of thoughts, before I do. First: I’ve scanned a few of the bigger Leftie blogs this evening. Most of the commentariat there had their partisan hats on and were dismissive of Mrs. Palin… if not outright insulting (Hey! That’s their style!)… describing her as shrill, sarcastic, lying, yadda, yadda. But there were those who were more perceptive; those commenters warned against dismissing Mrs. Palin out of hand. Some people… very few, but they were there…dropped positive comments, albeit grudgingly. I’m not providing links as it’s against my principles to link to the fever swamps, even though I sometimes do. But not tonight. You can find all of that your lil heart desires at the memeorandum widget in my sidebar, if you absolutely HAVE to go there.

Second (and this is a lightweight sort of comment): I’ve noticed more than a few hockey metaphors appearing in the press since Mrs. Palin arrived on the scene. One case in point: Sarah Palin Shoots…She Scores! That, Gentle Reader, is the greatest hockey cliché, ever. And it’s beloved by ALL hockey fans, YrHmblScrb included. But wait… there’s more (from the link)!

Don’t mess with this hockey mom! Sarah Palin took to the floor of the Republican Convention Wednesday night and delivered a slapshot right to the gut of the Obama campaign. Folks, there’s really only one thing to say…game on!


If this were the Stanley Cup Finals, she would be skating the cup around the ice tonight in a proud victory lap.

Heh. This is a Great Good Thing. Hockey fans all over America are smiling tonight. I don’t doubt the NHL management is, too.

Oh. Chase that link… there’s more than hockey talk there. Things like this will make it worth your while:

The Democratic Party, especially the Obama campaign has a problem on its hands. Sarah Palin can not be stereotyped as the crazy pro-lifer. They may try that but the problem is that she doesn’t fit neatly into any one box. She can play reformer, independent thinker, energy policy wonk, pro-lifer, attack dog or PTA mom. She’s multi-faceted. She isn’t one dimensional. That’s got to be a concern for the Obama campaign. If I’m Joe Biden, I’m already plotting strategy for that big debate on October 2nd. He’s going to need a lot of time to figure it out.

Do the highlighted bits sound a lil bit familiar? (insert smiley-face thingie here)

And now… to sleep, perchance to dream. About hockey moms.

(I got the image here. Just for grins and giggles… do a google image search on “hockey mom.” It ain’t ALL Sarah, All the Time… but it’s close.)

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