Senin, 06 Oktober 2008

Half A(ssed) Post

It's very late in the day, and to quote someone (I dunno exactly who): I got nuthin'. I DID make an effort last evening to begin today's post, and what follows is that half-assed attempt.

{Golem voice} But we must check the box, mustn't we, Precious? {/Golem voice}


I was watching a re-run of The Discovery Channel’s remarkable “Planet Earth” series last evening… and although Planet Earth is in re-runs, one of last night’s installments was new to me… the one on caves. Part and parcel of that segment was about ten minutes devoted to Lechuguilla Cave in Carlsbad Caverns National Park, right here in New Mexico. And a most amazing place this is! The PBS Nova page has an article on Lechuguilla , along with a companion piece featuring 12 amazing photographs of the cave complex and their crystal formations (here); you see one such photo from that set on the left. I only wish the photos were available in a larger format, as these small pictures just don’t do the subject justice. But don’t let that nit-pick discourage you from a taking a look, Gentle Reader. It’s well worth the minute or three it will take you to browse through the pics and read the captions.


Well… the foregoing is a perfect lead-in (albeit in a most left-handed manner) to Today’s Pic… which features SN3 and Grandson Sean standing next to a HUGE stalagmite in… guess where?… Carlsbad Caverns. It’s just fortuitous coincidence that I have a pic (a great number of them, actually) that’s associated with something I wanted to post about. It doesn’t happen all that often, ya know! But, Hey! It doesn’t take much of an excuse to get me to post pics of the kids (a couple of whom are no longer “kids,” by ANY stretch of the imagination) and the grand-kids, now does it?

July, 2004.

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