Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008

Trivial and Mundane



Today’s Pics: Yesterday’s major accomplishment: I finally got around to defrosting my fridge and it needed it... badly. It needed defrosting two or three months ago, actually, but procrastination is my way of life. This particular task takes about an hour of mind-numbingly boring work, mostly consisting of holding a hair dryer running on “high” about two inches from the accumulated ice and watching it melt and fall into the catch tray below the cooling fins (you can see the residual ice in the "after" pic). What fun. And then there’s the general mop-up following the actual defrosting. More fun, even.

There are only a handful of people in these United States who still have to defrost their refrigerators manually… and I’m one of ‘em. Someday I’ll graduate into the Middle Class and get a frost-free fridge like Mom had back in the day. And a washer and dryer of my very own, too. (My tongue is firmly planted in my cheek as I write…)

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