Selasa, 05 Februari 2008

Super Fat Tuesday? Fat Super Tuesday?

So. It might could be a long night tonite. I might have to take a nap this afternoon just so I can stay awake and catch all the reek surrounding Super-Duper Tuesday. Does anyone else besides me think it’s sorta ironic the largest collection of state primaries, ever, is happening on Mardi Gras? It’s probably a great good thing Louisiana isn’t voting


Speaking of Fat Tuesday… This is interesting. To some folks anyway, including YrHmblScrb. Do a google image search on “Mardi Gras,” with “safe search” off. There’s not as much silicone as you’d think, but there is some. Titillating, it is.

Dang. I wish I were in N’Awlins today, but tonight would be even better.


So. Major crescendo today from the McCain Derangement Syndrome folks, beginning with that Illustrious Spokesperson of the Right, Mr. Limbaugh. From Michael Goldfarb, writing at The Weekly Standard:

Over the past few weeks, Rush Limbaugh has emerged as the conservative movement's most prominent casualty of McCain Derangement Syndrome. Yesterday his condition deteriorated further:

On Mr. Limbaugh's program today, he said people should not be rushing to back Mr. McCain over issues of national security. The talk host said America's direction in Iraq would not be substantially different, even if Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Obama were elected. "They are not going to surrender the country to Islamic radicalism or the war in Iraq," Mr. Limbaugh said after mentioning the two Democratic senators by name. "They are not going to do that to themselves, despite what their base says."

"The idea that we've only got one person in this whole roster of candidates, either party, who is willing to take on the war on terror is frankly, absurd," Mr. Limbaugh said.

Unfortunately, Limbaugh's personal animus towards the Senator from Arizona seems to be blinding him to the fundamental issue--that this election, first and foremost, is about America's national security. How else to explain this flailing effort to persuade primary voters not to worry so much about what are, in fact, very real and profound difference between the candidates--differences not over how to prosecute this war, but whether to prosecute it at all.


I understand that some conservatives are uneasy about a McCain nomination, that he isn't their first choice to carry the party's standard. But there's something truly unhinged--and at times spectacularly disgraceful--about the response of some on the right to this increasingly likely prospect.

Ummm… yeah. All that, and a bag o’ chips. I’ve noticed lots and lots of normally rational people are taking leave of their senses where McCain is concerned. But then again, if Ron Paul were in the same position as McCain (i.e., the front-runner) going into today’s primaries, I’d be apoplectic. But he’s not, and I’m not. What I am is confused (very) at all this “eat your own” stuff. I have the same sort of feelings about our side as I had about the ‘bats when they went nuts about Joe Lieberman late last summer and on into early Fall.

It’s not a good feeling, Gentle Reader.


So…this video is Number Two on the viral vids list today. Way-cool.

In a not-so-amazing coincidence, last night’s American Experience (on PBS, here) was all about Grand Central Station. Wonderful show, that was, and the gallery at the link has some great photos of this American architectural icon. Rumor has it you’ll be able to watch the show on-line sometime later this month. Or, you can catch it in re-runs. PBS does that a lot, and that’s not a bad thing.

I was 13 years old the first time I set foot in Grand Central. I exasperated the living Hell out of my Mom, who was trying to drag me and my sister to a specific platform to board our train that was set to leave for Atlanta within about 20 minutes or so. But, no… I had to drag my feet, just staring at the wonder of it all. I had never, ever been in an enclosed space that large in my life and have been in danged few others as large, since. Stadiums and domes excluded, of course.

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