Rabu, 02 Januari 2008

Don't Miss...

...Dave Barry's "Year in Review," which is the only column of this nature worth reading. The first couple of grafs:

It was a year that strode boldly into the stall of human events and took a wide stance astride the porcelain bowl of history.

It was year in which roughly 17,000 leading presidential contenders, plus of course Dennis Kucinich, held roughly 63,000 debates, during which they spewed out roughly 153 trillion words; and yet the only truly memorable phrase emitted in any political context was ``Don't tase me, Bro!''

It was a year filled with bizarre, insane, destructive behavior, an alarming amount of which involved astronauts.

Ah yes. In the immortal words of that long gone and lamented British teevee show (paraphrased), "2007... That Was the Year That Was."

(Apropos of nothing...I think the Wiki has this one wrong. I watched TW3 every frickin' week while I was in Britain during the early 80s. Or maybe I just thought I did...)

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