Kamis, 31 Januari 2008

Incentives, Please

So. Above is a screen shot of an e-mail I received from the Giuliani campaign last evening…click for larger to read. The most interesting bit, of course, is the plea for me to support John McCain. And I probably will after I’ve given this a little more thought. I’m of the opinion we’ll probably know who the presumptive Republican nominee will be after Super-Duper Tuesday’s results are in.

In the mean time note the “This space For Rent” notice in my sidebar… my support IS available. I’d even consider supporting someone other than a Republican, if the incentives were right. For those of you too clue-impaired to read between the lines: Every man has his price and I can be bought. Think: money, drugs, and sex. Preferably all three, and my required incentives aren’t necessarily listed in order of importance. Be creative.

(Note to Hillary: While “every man has his price” is most certainly true, my price would be substantial in your case. The requisite money would far exceed what you have budgeted for advertising in all media, there’s no room for a semi-trailer full of useful substances on my lot, and just don’t go there where the third incentive is concerned. Unless you intend to offer up some nubile staffer, of course. I’ll remain “open minded” on that count, and others, as well. Assuming you can find a safe and accessible place to park that semi-trailer.)

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