Jumat, 01 Februari 2008

TGIF, and This Time I Mean It...

Today’s Quickie…

Senior Class Prank

Who says Today's Kids aren't smart?? (Well, some of them are)!!

I wish I'd thought of this...

At a high School in Montana a group of high schoolers played a prank on the school. They let three goats loose in the school.

Before they let them go they painted numbers on the sides of the goats… 1, 2, & 4.

Local school administrators spent most of the day looking for #3.

From a Bud, via e-mail.


Occasional reader Doc has put up a new blog to complement the U.S. Air Force Academy’s “War, Literature, and the Arts,” a professional journal published by the Academy’s Department of English and Fine Arts. The WLA blog is fairly new and only has two posts at the moment, but I’m thinking it’s gonna be a hit. And if you’ve not visited Doc’s blog or the WLA, I have to ask “Why not?” Good stuff be there…

In other blog news… I’m a little concerned about Occasional Reader and Commenter Abraham Lincoln. His blog has gone missing with absolutely NO explanation, and it's been at least two days. Just here one day, gone the next…with only a 404-error to show. I hope everything is OK.


Well, at least Colmes gets it, “it” being the supreme irony demonstrated by Coulter’s rant in the vid below. Who’d a thunk it?

H/t to Allah, who has it right when he says “madness.” I thought I kinda-sorta understood politics. It’s plain to see I don’t. Certain types of politics, just to be clear. Dang. This is the most bizarre US election cycle I’ve ever seen. Bar none.

James Joyner has more. Excerpt:

Thankfully, this over-the-top stuff is being rejected by most conservatives.

AllahPundit calls Coulter’s statement “Madness” and Sean Hackbarth, late of the Fred Thompson campaign, says she is “officially an idiot.”

RedState’s Leon H Wolf warns commenters that they may “complain vociferously about McCain, Bush, or anyone else’s position on immigration” but they will be banned from the site if they do so in racist terms.

Even Jonah Goldberg, hardly the voice of rational discourse while hawking a book about how American liberals are Fascists, thinks “the notion that, variously, conservatism, the country or the party are doomed if he’s the nominee or the president is pretty absurd.”

A.J. Strata has still more on this particular angle, while Ed Morrissey brings up McCain mud-slinging of a new and different type.

And the Left? They’re just eating this up…predictably. Our little inter-familial squabbles are giving the ‘bats false hope, to wit:

Just about everything has gone the wingnuts' way for close to thirty years. In that time we've had a few glimmers of hope and a few more false dawns. The result is that they're brats who demand everything they want, all the time. We're not like that. And right now, that makes us seem like the grown-ups, and maybe it means we'll win one.

Well, not really, Mr. Steve M., but like all stopped clocks, you’re right at least twice a day, ya know. I’ll concede the “makes us seem like the grown-ups” point. To my great embarrassment.

“Interesting times” doesn’t even come close to describing this mess.


Today’s Pic: My mother in a formal, hand-colored (which was “the style” at the time and has since gone out of favor) portrait, taken sometime in the 1940s. I may or may not have been more than a gleam in the Ol’ Man’s eye when this portrait was done. In other words, I don’t know exactly when the pic was taken. But I DO know it’s one of my favorite shots of Mom.

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