Kamis, 07 Februari 2008

THIS is News!

Romney drops out. Film at eleven right now. I'm watching all the talking heads pontificate as I peck this out.

Stunning, in every sense of the word.

Update, 2/07/2008 1247 hrs.: Lotsa links and Romney video at Wizbang. And Taylor Marsh sez "Bet on it. It's McCain. Things just got tougher for Democrats." S' true, that.

Something else that's true: I just gained a whole helluva lot of respect for Romney, something that was previously lacking. The handwriting was on the wall, true. But it takes a very BIG man to recognize that fact and concede gracefully. And I SO like the way Mitt put it: "In this time of war..." Good on ya, Governor Romney.

Update 2/07/2008 1350 hrs: Well, I just finished watching McCain's CPAC speech. He hit all the right points and... surprise of surprises... was roundly cheered by the crowd. There were some isolated boos, but not all that many. As I said: surprise. Michael Steele, the Republican former Lt. Governor of Maryland, said McCain "hit it out of the park." I tend to agree. We'll see what the rest of the conservative world has to say as the days, weeks, and months unfold...

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