Kamis, 14 Februari 2008

Happy St. Valentine's Day

A re-re-run: Creepy Valentines. A couple of illustrations from a site that’s gone belly-up. Which is too bad, because I've linked this site for the past two years...

I don’t mean to imply you’re creepy, Gentle Reader. But, OTOH, I got quite a few hits yesterday for the search term “creepy valentines.”

I know it wasn’t you.

I’m glad this “special day” is here and will be gone with the sunset this evening. Why? So I won’t be exposed to Creepy Valentines Day advertisements on my teevee every 17 minutes. From these guys. You know, the people who tell ya there’s “…only one gift guaranteed to get women to take their clothes off…” with “all that spa stuff that women just love,” the bottom-line being “she’ll think you spent weeks planning it.” Yeah. Right. To say these ads insult male intelligence is only scratching the surface. And were I a woman receiving a V-Day pajamagram, I’d seriously RE-consider the quality of my relationship. That goes for Vermont Teddy Bears, as well… perhaps double. I’ve read both businesses are owned by the same company. Which may or may not be true, but the ads for both products look very similar, so I tend to believe what I hear. About which…

Yet another business to add to my list of places to visit when I begin my post-retirement career as a midnite fire-bomber.

OTOH (and I never run out of “other hands,” ya know), here’s something good from PostSecret…

So. Enjoy your Hallmark Holiday Valentines Day.

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