Kamis, 10 Januari 2008

So Why Don't I Agree With Ron Paul?

Via The Anchoress, here's how I did on the world's shortest (and shallowest, according to The Anchoress) political quiz. (Click for larger)

So...to repeat the sentiment in the post title..."Why don't I agree with Ron Paul?" The answer is as I've oft stated: foreign policy. Add to that: restoration of the Gold Standard.

Other than that...not a lot of difference.

You can take the quiz here. And I apologize for my apparent Ron Paul fixation. But it's better than...say... a Hillary fixation, nu?

On an entirely different subject... What's for dinner? I found myself staring wistfully at the remains of last night's spaghetti in the garbage just a few short minutes ago...and thinking Damn. Now that was a stupid thing to do...

And here I sit, still thinking "What's for dinner?"

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