Rabu, 13 Agustus 2008

Apropos of Nothing, Again

I'm almost finished making the blog-rounds... and I'm listening to Pandora's Aretha Franklin station as I do so. And Pandora prompted another "Apropos of Nothing" post, yet again.

One of the more interesting things (to me) about music is its ability to transport you to a place and time that's not necessarily of your choosing. This song, which was originally released in 1977 (!), might could take me to ANY number of places... given as how (a) it's a fave and (b) I've heard it thousands of times, literally. So where did I go when I heard the first few bars of "Easy" today?

Moscow. The image was clear as day: Mid-morning. Four of us in a van, on our way to the airport, and our way back home after two trying (yet oh-so-memorable) weeks in Russia's capital. Traffic. Diesel smells. Billboards I couldn't read. And the radio blaring "Easy," coupled with the thought I'd be home soon. Of all the memories I could have associated with this song... and there are MANY... my mind flashed back to Moscow.

Funny how the brain works, eh?

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