Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008

Random Thoughts for a Friday

First… Jenn over at “I Hate Whine!” bestowed the Arte y Pico award on YrHmblScrb, and said award was unknown to me until today. But that’s true of a lot (perhaps most) of the “awards” circulating throughout the ‘sphere. Here’s what the award (icon?) looks like:

And here’s what it means, according to its creator:

What is the meaning of the expression: And basically, ironically, it translates into a wonderful phrase in Mexico, “lo maximo.” LOL! It will never find its counterpart in English, but if it HAD to, it would be something like, Wow. The Best Art. Over the top.

The recipient of the award is supposed to grant it to five other worthy bloggers… and herein lay my “issues.” While I most certainly appreciate kind words about EIP, a link to us in your sidebar or a compliment dropped in comments is entirely sufficient. I’ll make exceptions if you happen to be from the Pulitzer Board, or a member of the Swedish Academy, or even if you're associated with the Weblog Awards. At which point we most definitely should talk…after you pick me up off the floor and revive me. Other than that? Thanks, but no thanks. Individually created “awards” may be fun but they’re meaningless… like those last-place trophies kids get these days for doing anything…anything at all.

Oh. As for “passing it on”… if you’re in my sidebar, consider yourself Arte y Pico’ed.


While we’re on about blogs… I read more than a few blogs that might be considered “Mommy Blogs.” I dunno if Mil-spouse blogs fall into that category, but I suspect they do…and a few of those are in my sidebar, as well. I’ve noticed I’m the ONLY male reading a lot of these blogs, or at the very least I’m the only male who leaves comments. And that makes me feel a bit strange at times, like I’m someplace where I shouldn’t really BE, ya know? It’s sorta like walking into the women’s bathroom by mistake or being the only guy at a baby shower… it’s just not done. Which says nothing…nothing at ALL… about the hospitality of the proprietresses of said blogs, as they ALL respond to my comments (well, most do, anyway) and they all drop by EIP to read and comment, too.

So, why am I even mentioning this? No reason, except for the fact I noticed I’m the only guy at the party and it makes me feel weird. And that’s the sole reason… I said these are Random Thoughts, ya know.


And even more about blogs and blogging… Do you go back and read your own stuff, from time to time, Gentle Reader? Assuming, of course, (a) you keep a blog and (b) you’ve been at it long enough to have archives. I’ve been doing that of late and have come to the conclusion that I was MUCH better at this during my first year of blogging. Or maybe even the first year and a half. I’m not sure exactly why I feel this way, but my old writing seems crisper, the opinions firmer, and the subject matter much broader than it is today. Maybe I’m in the depths of the Summer Doldrums. Maybe my Muse is goofing off and not giving me her best. Or maybe I just need to get out more… like take a road trip.

As for the last, that ain’t gonna happen this year. I’ve declared this summer…this entire year, actually… to be The Summer of Living Frugally… as I’m trying to put enough “resources” back to pay for the second installment of my Adventures In Modern Dentistry without tapping my 401(k) again. My one indulgence this year was buying that new dSLR… and that may be the key to Better Blogging.

We’ll see.


Today’s Pics: A couple of way-old shots from the archives, at least one of which (Blue Eyes) is a re-run. Pictured is SN3 playing around in the car, which he dearly loved to do when he was around 16 months old (or so). That boy could literally spend hours climbing around inside the car, pushing every button he could find and giggling like a madman. But then again, I suspect ALL kids are like that. He sure as Hell made ME laugh while he was at it.

At the Ol’ Homestead in Perinton, NY (a suburb of Rochester), 1998.

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