I had this nagging feeling yesterday that I couldn't quite figure out... like I was forgetting something and I couldn't, for the very life of me, put my finger on it. Then... this morning: POW! It hit me. So, better late than never... here's a re-run from last year.
Hiroshima Day… 62 63 (ed: updated for 2008) years ago today. Click for larger to see the August 7th front page of the NYT. And now…a non-politically-correct war story, of sorts. (Full disclosure: originally left as a comment at SJS’ Place.)
As most of you frequent readers know, the last company I worked for was a small IT start-up in SFO, staffed primarily by stereotypical flaming, politically-correct SFO liberals, and I do NOT jest. By my count there were three conservatives in the whole company, which, at its high-water mark, had a total of 300+ folks.
We got the usual complement of Federal and State holidays, five sick days, and one "Diversity Day," which one could use to celebrate an occasion of personal importance.
But you had to designate the day in advance.
I informed my superiors that I intended to take August 6
th as my "DD."
When asked what the occasion was... I replied "Hiroshima Day.
It's a celebration of American Power."
And I
did take it, too, to the delight of the other two conservatives and the shock of the PC Brigade. Speaking of which (the PC-Brigade), I suppose I confirmed their cherished and heart-felt views about Rethuglicans. Not that I give a shit.
So... back to the present. One of the downsides of not working is the fact you lose track of time, in the calendar sense. I need to work on that.
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